Monday, October 10, 2011

Sandra Guzman- "The Latinas Bible"

 "...real beauty is found on the inside and never fades, we have to constantly remind ourselves of our worth in a culture dominated by the ever-changing standards of beauty...Latina beauty is constantly under seige, either because of total omission, limited representation, outright misrepresentations, or stupid comments. And the lesson for young latinas everywhere is crystal clear: We have to tell our own stories, make our own movies, publish our own magazines, support those who do right by us, put the pressure on those who don't, and stop looking for a validation from mainstream media that are racist without even trying!"- The New Latina's Bible

Sandra Guzman

Sandra Guzman wrote an inspirational guide for Latina Women to follow and gain confidence from by gaining knowledge of their roots. The book opens up a new image on what it is to be a Latina-American. Many women struggle to survive socially in America because they don't have the personal and physical confidence to do so. 

Rosie Perez, Actress and friend of Sandra
Guzman, giving her input.

This book unfolds truths that will help you understand  and appreciate who you are. It helps strengthen relationships with family, friends, and love. It will open up eyes to a beautiful world many Latina Women never expected to see. 

"Our men are not stupid or ignorant, and they weren't born on Mars. They're not born machistas, either. But they were socialized into being and expecting certain things from us and society...We women must often be the teachers, but both men and women have to be willing to take on the challenge, and to meet it together, a day at a time. By establishing your own rules, are teaching your man to be the best hubby he can be. A macho moment." -The New Latina's Bible

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